Social Wednesday

Social Wednesday: The Ultimate Twitch Marketing Guide for Business

Twitch marketing represents a growing opportunity for brands to get seen and heard by a young, passionate audience. Need the 411 on exactly what Twitch is and how to make it work for your business? We’ve got you covered. Check out the full article at Hootsuite – Keywords: twitch marketing, social media marketing, brands, business,…

SEO Saturday

SEO Saturday: Are you having SEO Problems? Take a Look at These 8 Google Penalty Checker Tools

With the help of a Google penalty checker tool, you can easily identify what’s causing a problem with your website traffic. Check out the full article at rockcontent – Keywords: google penalty checker tools, seo, algorithm, ranking, tips, results, issues, reevaluation, recommendations

Thursday Tips & Tools

Thursday Tips & Tools: Make it easier explaining stuff to clients with our Website Terminology Glossary

When we’re explaining stuff to clients, sometimes we find ourselves in back-and-forth discussions. To help make this easier, we created our website terminology glossary. This free resource saves you time explaining web jargon to clients. Read article at GoDaddy – Keywords: website terminology glossary, domains, hosting, web design, website security, website builders, ecommerce, online marketing,…

Thursday Tips & Tools

Thursday Tips & Tools: Measuring Web Performance in 2021: The Definitive Guide

This is the complete guide to the metrics, methods, and measurements of web performance in 2021. If you run a website, this guide has all the fundamental ideas you need to understand to build a fast website for your users, and for search engines. Read article at Request Metrics – Keywords: web performance, fundamentals, metrics,…