Mobile Monday

Mobile Monday: A Hands-On Guide to Mobile-First Responsive Design

Mobile-first responsive design is an approach to designing UIs that prioritizes small-screen experience. Given that different devices need different layouts based on their screen size and orientation, it makes sense to design multiple arrangements for your users. This article will show you how to create a mobile-first prototype of a product and transform it into tablet and desktop screens.

Mobile Monday

Mobile Monday: Mobile-First CSS: Is It Time for a Rethink?

Classic mobile-first CSS development is based on the principle of overwriting style declarations: you begin your CSS with default style declarations, and overwrite and/or add new styles as you add breakpoints with min-width media queries for larger viewports (for a good overview see “What is Mobile First CSS and Why Does It Rock?”). But all those exceptions create complexity and inefficiency, which in turn can lead to an increased testing effort and a code base that’s harder to maintain. Admit it—how many of us willingly want that?

Mobile Monday

Mobile Monday: 12 Best Mobile Testing Tools for WordPress (Free & Paid)

Lucky for us, a number of mobile testing tools out there have made it their mission to make our lives easier. So before you invest your hard-earned cash in the entire Apple and Android product line, let’s see what these can do for you. We’re covering 12 options here today, which should hopefully cover the majority of device types currently on the market.