Freestyle Friday

Friday Freestyle: WordPress Maintenance: Tasks & Best Practices

If you’re managing a WordPress site, it’s crucial to ensure it runs smoothly and securely. Many site owners worry that WordPress maintenance is a complex chore that requires a ton of technical expertise, but that’s not entirely true. This guide is here to show you the steps you can take on your own to help…

Security Sunday

Security Sunday: Is My Site Hacked? (13 Signs)

Symptoms of a hacked website can vary wildly. A concerning security alert from Google, a browser warning when you visit your site, or even a notice from your hosting provider that they’ve taken down your website — all of these events may indicate that your site has been hacked. Fortunately, there are a number of quick (and free) ways you can check and find out if your website has been compromised.

Thursday Tips and Tools

Thursday Tips & Tools: 25 Free Tools to Test Your Website

Regularly testing your ecommerce website’s performance will ensure it’s running at an optimal level. There are plenty of free resources available to help. Here is a list of free tools to test your website. There are tools to measure download speed, monitor user experience, test accessibility, locate broken links, evaluate search engine and browser compatibility, and check mobile friendliness. All of these tools have free plans, and most offer premium options.

Security Sunday

Security Sunday: Cross-Site Scripting: The Real WordPress Supervillain

Cross-Site Scripting is a type of vulnerability that allows a malicious actor to inject code, usually JavaScript, into otherwise legitimate websites. The web browser being used by the website user has no way to determine that the code is not a legitimate part of the website, so it displays content or performs actions directed by the malicious code. XSS is a relatively well-known type of vulnerability, partially because some of its uses are visible on an affected website, but there are also “invisible” uses that can be much more detrimental to website owners and their visitors.