Design & Dev Tuesday

Design & Dev Tuesday: What to Know about PHP and the Latest PHP Version

If you’re running WordPress sites, you’ve probably heard the term “latest PHP version” thrown around. Well-known sites like Facebook and Wikipedia are websites developed using the PHP language. Additionally, 40% of the web is powered by WordPress which is built using PHP. But, what is it? And why do you have to use the latest version?

Thursday Tips & Tools

Thursday Tips & Tools: Prepare for the future with Google Analytics 4

Two and a half years ago, we introduced Google Analytics 4 to address these evolving measurement standards and help businesses succeed. Google Analytics 4 has the flexibility to measure many different kinds of data, delivering a strong analytics experience that’s designed for the future. It allows businesses to see unified user journeys across their websites and apps, use Google’s machine learning technology to surface and predict new insights, and most importantly, it’s built to keep up with a changing ecosystem.