Social Wednesday

Social Wednesday: 10 High Risk Reasons Why Your Business Can’t Ignore Social Media Any Longer

Approach any group of business owners or managers and chuck out the phrase “Social Media Marketing”. Step back. Watch the reactions. Despite raging success and adoption across all demographics of consumers, social media marketing still divides professionals between the ‘Love It’ and the ‘Hate It’ camps. To our total astonishment, there are still business owners out there who actively chose to ignore social media as part of their business. That is why we’ve put together this Top 10 List (although we could probably continue all day) of reasons why we think you should not ignore social media.

Mobile Monday

Mobile Monday: Responsive Web Design Rocks. But Only If You Get It Right

We simply can’t keep our hands off the Internet. Whether at home, work or outside; the Internet follows us wherever we go. With more than 60 percent of all mobile users in the U.S. now on smartphones, it is hard not to talk about the mobile Web. The mobile Web leads us to the most important factor that contributes to a great user experience – Responsive Web Design.

SEO Saturday

SEO Saturday: Link Building without Producing Mass Amounts of Content

In late 2011, the content marketing craze started and with each Google update since, support for it has grown. Today, people often use content marketing and SEO interchangeably, which is a mistake. Content marketing is certainly a part of any great SEO strategy, but if you focus solely upon it, you will miss plenty of valuable links. Today I am going to share with you some of the best ways to link building without submitting content.