SEO Saturday

SEO Saturday: The 4 Types of Website Traffic to Watch in Google Analytics

There are tons of different metrics to track in Google Analytics, and it can be confusing if you’re a first-timer. Here, you’ll find four major sources of traffic, from which you can gather valuable insights about your site: Read the full article at Search Engine Guide – Keywords: google analytics, direct traffic, organic, referral, social,…

SEO Saturday

SEO Saturday: Google My Business: A Visual Tour Of Google’s New Tool For Local Businesses & Brands

Google My Business is Google’s new unified interface designed to make life easier for local businesses as well as brands to be better found within Google. It’s a big, huge change. Our visual tour below is designed to give you an overview. Getting Started Google My Business was announced today. You’ll find our overview story

SEO Saturday

SEO Saturday: Link Building without Producing Mass Amounts of Content

In late 2011, the content marketing craze started and with each Google update since, support for it has grown. Today, people often use content marketing and SEO interchangeably, which is a mistake. Content marketing is certainly a part of any great SEO strategy, but if you focus solely upon it, you will miss plenty of valuable links. Today I am going to share with you some of the best ways to link building without submitting content.