Ecommerce Know-How: Information Architecture

Taking lessons from two marketing disciplines, online retailers and their web designers can build a well structured Internet store organized into themes or categories that will make it easy for shoppers and search engines alike to find important information and product pages. In this Ecommerce Know-How, I will briefly define search engine optimization (SEO) and…

Windows 7 Should be a Fixta Free For All

Jason Perlow: Face it: Windows 7 is Windows Vista Service Release 2. And since Windows 7 is essentially a performance and usability fix for a defective product, a Windows 7 upgrade should be free to anyone who was conned into buying Vista.

PeC Review: Boldchat

Boldchat provides online communication software that allows Internet retailers to actively engage customers and potentially increase both conversions and profits. For the unfamiliar, live chat is the concept of having operators (real people) actively chatting with customers who are navigating a merchant’s website. Good operators, communication and products are all key factors to developing a…

The Great Google Adsense Side Effect

If the Internet consisted of real brick and mortar buildings there would be a construction boom going on right now like the world has never seen. The Internet is not in a recession or on the road to a depression, rather it is experiencing an economic and social explosion of activity. Read more: WebProNews…