3 Steps for Creating a Social Media Strategy
By Chris Crum The first Matt Cutts Answers Questions About Google video of the year has been posted, and in it Matt addresses links from Twitter and Facebook, after talking about his shaved head again. Specifically, the submitted question he answers is: http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2010/01/14/how-google-rates-links-from-facebook-and-twitter
If you need to contact a friend or colleague, how do you do it? Do you go see them, call them, email them, or use some form of the social Internet? Although answers may vary, using the social Web as a primary form of communication is becoming a growing trend. A study conducted by Pew…
While Apple and its latest version of the iPhone, 3GS, have topped recent headlines, there is still a tremendous amount of buzz building about Google’s phone, nicknamed the gPhone. Michael Martin, who maintains a Google-approved blog for Android information called Google And Blog, predicts the summer to be promising for Android and says there will…