Cross-Browser Compatibility Testing Tool

Web application “experience” management service provider Gomez, Inc., just introduced a free Web-based tool that automatically tests how Web sites look in four commonly-used combinations of browsers and operating systems. After entering a URL, the free Gomez tool returns screen captures of the Web page in each browser/OS combination, revealing content-rendering issues such as missing…

Microsoft’s Bing to Win Market Share?

Microsoft recently rolled out a new search engine called Bing. This launch appears to be another attempt by Microsoft to win over search market share from its main search rivals, Google and Yahoo! Microsoft is reportedly planning to spend over $100 million on promoting the engine . . .–


While Apple and its latest version of the iPhone, 3GS, have topped recent headlines, there is still a tremendous amount of buzz building about Google’s phone, nicknamed the gPhone. Michael Martin, who maintains a Google-approved blog for Android information called Google And Blog, predicts the summer to be promising for Android and says there will…

15 Stupidest Ways to Lose Your Job

Sometimes, a person will lose their job through no fault of their own. The whims of a psychotic boss, an economy in shambles, or a simple misunderstanding can have an otherwise satisfactory employee packing up his or her cubicle. Other times, a person will lose their job because they have done something so incredibly foolish,…

Ecommerce Know-How: Be Ready to Go Beyond PCI DSS Compliance

Although ecommerce fraud incidents as related to sales are at historically low rates, online retailers (particularly small ones) should be concerned about credit card information theft and transaction fraud even beyond the familiar Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) . . .–