Twitter Alert: Be Careful With Your Email

Spammers have found a new way to use Twitter. This one lets them harvest email addresses easily, and use these addresses to do their dirty business. The good news is that you can avoid this practice by simply not tweeting your email address.

The PeC Review: Microsoft Tool Helps Designers With Internet Explorer Compatibility Problems

Designing for Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE) browser has always been a problem as designers were forced to choose between widely accepted Internet standards and what would work in IE. This problem has been exacerbated by the complexity of designers having to maintain various generations of IE on a single computer . . .

Little Johnny

Remember reading all the jokes about ‘Little Johnny’? You know, the kid that the teachers are afraid to call on for answers in the class, for fear of what he might say… Well, finally a photo of ‘Little Johnny’ has surfaced. See if you can find him in the picture! The theme of this picture…

The More You Know: Live Chat Solutions

Selecting a live chat vendor for an e-commerce enterprise is a challenging undertaking. Instead of focusing on the endless list of vendors (both enterprise and open source), let’s look instead at the features demanded by customers which over time have been deemed essential to enterprise ready solutions.

Software To Get the SEO Party Started

Search engine optimization today is more challenging than ever. Many Web professionals have opted to take advantage of SEO software to minimize the learning curve and help manage their overall Internet marketing campaigns. Let’s review some of the most popular SEO software solutions on the market now.


Men Are Just Happier People– Your last name stays put. The garage is all yours. Wedding plans take care of themselves. Chocolate is just another snack. You can never be pregnant. Car mechanics tell you the truth. The world is your urinal. You never have to drive to another gas station toilet because this one…