Is Gmail Google’s Real Social Network?

Assessing Gmail After Five Years The Past Google’s email service Gmail was launched to the public five years ago this week. Back then, the service turned the web email industry on its ear by offering an entire gigabyte of storage to users who were lucky enough to receive an invite. Small potatoes now, but that…

Exclusive: Getting Into Website Sponsorships

Our society has become saturated with traditional display advertising. Consumers have learned to tune out, or even pay to omit ads altogether. Product placement and sponsorship are appearing more than ever in radio, television and motion pictures. Each day the products and entertainment we love are becoming more entangled in each other’s success. Naturally, the…

Stuck in the Social Media Vaccuum?

Social media is all the buzz these days. Media outlets, marketers, TV and business magazines (including this one) tout the power of social media to reach the public, shape opinion and even change how we do business. And it’s true, social media has changed the way we operate as businesses and how we interact with…