5 Resume Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make

It’s deceptively easy to make mistakes on your resume and exceptionally difficult to repair the damage once an employer gets it. So prevention is critical, especially if you’ve never written one before. We’ll take a look at some common resume pitfalls and go into detail about how to avoid them. http://www.insidetech.com/benefits/articles/4281-5-resume-mistakes-you-cant-afford-to-make

Google Tips for More Conversions

Testing Designs Can Lead to More Sales You can use every marketing strategy under the sun, but if they don’t translate into conversions, it’s all for nothing. Some methods take longer than others to lead to conversions, and there are hundreds of variables that come into play for the success of any campaign. http://www.webpronews.com/topnews/2009/03/16/google-tips-for-more-conversions